【报 告 人】 Shaoping Xiao, Associate professor
Center for Computer-Aided Design of the University of Iowa
【时 间】 2018年5月17日(星期四)下午14:30
【地 点】 力一楼 239会议室
Scale plays a vital role in science and engineering. Modeling and simulation at multiple scales, including multiple length scales and multiple time scales, becomes a challenge in many science and engineering applications. In this seminar, two types of multiscale methods will be introduced. One is hierarchical (or sequential) multiscale modeling, and the other is concurrent multiscale modeling. A few examples will be used to demonstrate multiscale modeling and simulation in science and engineering applications: wave propagation mechanisms in multiscale, material properties of nanomaterials, mechanical behaviors of nanodevices, material phase changing problems, and lubrication in mechanical systems.
Dr. Xiao is an associate professor in the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering at The University of Iowa. He was graduated with BS and MS in Mechanical Engineering from the Department of Modern Mechanics of USTC in 1998, supervised by Prof. Xiaojun Wang. Then, he studied for PhD degree in Mechanical Engineering in Prof. Belytschko’s group at Northwestern University and was graduated in 2002 before joining The University of Iowa in 2003. Five years later, he was promoted as a tenured associate professor in Mechanical Engineering. His group's research interests lie in numerical modeling and simulation, including finite element, meshfree particle, and multiscale methods. His recent research focuses on rupture in biological tissues, data science and informatics in numerical analysis, and artificial intelligent robotics.